Monday, January 31, 2011

Tea for Two

A dear friend of mine, Alyce, recently became engaged so I invited her over for some girly wedding chat. I decided to make snacks for an informal tea:
*Tea sandwiches: these prove difficult if you are not a big mayo/butter fan, since they are traditionally made by spreading one of the two on thin, crustless white bread and toping with either cucumber, turkey, egg, etc. Alyce is a vegetarian which made things extra tricky. Here are the two variations I came up with:
-Sharp cheddar, dijon mustard, arugula
-Pesto, cucumber, diced red bell pepper

For sweets, I made:
Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies

Lemon Blossoms
Unless you have a death wish, I would not suggest using as much frosting as crazy Paula Deen calls for...I just drizzled the glaze on top and they were plenty sweet.

We snacked and drank ginger tea, yum!


  1. I'd go for your tea sandwiches any time!! They sound great, as do the sweets. I hope you had a lovely afternoon with your friend.

  2. Sounds lovely, Sweetie!
