Monday, November 29, 2010


*We could see the Eiffel tower from our hotel window!
*this was tasty
*dress courtesy of Jules
*Notre Dame Indiana meets Notre Dame Paris
*Eiffel tower in the background, birthday hat in the foreground

*hey dad, remember helping me make a styrofoam version of this thing for French class in high school?

Jake and I had an amazing time in Paris. It snowed which was really fun for us..


  1. I'm really confused. Were you in both London and Paris on November 29? That would have been a nifty trick! Seriously, I'm really envious. At least I was hoping we'd be able to swap stories in Orlando this weekend, but alas, :-( , not. We'll raise a glass to you and you do the same.

  2. Hi Dan! I wish I was there for the big family get together. I have been really slow about putting up pics- Jake and I have been busy this November!
